Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankful Challenge - Day 8

What a day!!!!! This time of the year never ceases to blow my mind and know me on my rear at the same time - so much chaos, and yet so many blessings! In a nutshell, still no answers for Sam, Ben is sick, Brad's work is bananas, I have too much going on and too much to do, and as always there is more month than money.... and yet I am so thankful for the blessings God has bestowed on us!!!

- a relatively good night of sleep (Ben was only up twice during the night)
- the smell of chicken stock simmering on the stove
- a sweet sister-in-law that mailed the kiddos boxed cereal
- said boxed cereal for breakfast so I could skip making it this morning
- children eager to say the pledges each morning
- a sweet hubby that stuffed the dishwasher this morning and ran it prior to going to work, since I was too lazy to do it last night before going to bed
- children old enough to help unload the dishwasher
- ACE school curriculum - such a great tool to teach little ones to phonetically read
- a speech therapist for Sam that is extremely kind hearted, and works wonders with Sam
- wonderful news regarding the health of one of my nieces
- sweet conversations on the phone, including one with a friend that I have not seen in quite a while!
- numbers figured out for an upcoming field trip (I think)
- walking with a dear friend
- getting adjusted by a superb chiropractor, who also adjusted my knee so I can start running again on Thursday :)
- fresh salad greens for dinner
- a sweet hubby willing to run to the store to get me a steak for my salad :)
- Ben and Jerry's ice cream (I really need to invest in an ice cream maker and learn how to make my own!!!)
- dear friends that will make me laugh when I'm down, will listen to me gripe, and will let me tell them my to-do list without poking fun at me :)

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