Thursday, December 26, 2013

Advent Countdown - Day 17 - Ethiopia & Kenya

Our reading for the day came again from Luke - Luke 2:15-18

In Ethiopia, Christmas is not celebrated on December 25th... instead, it is celebrated on January 7th.  This is because the Julian calendar is used.  Wat is a traditional food eaten for Christmas.  Unlike the western commercial idea of giving lots of gifts for Christmas, in Ethiopia, the people go to church, eat, and play games.  In Kenya, those who had left their rural homes to find work in the larger cities, often return to their families for Christmas.  They then party for two days - Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

While we were hoping to make Yataklete Killkil and Doro Wat for dinner, the day was not conducive to this.  Instead, we ate leftovers, lol.

However, we did read the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas, by Dr. Suess, and had some grinch floats :)

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